About St Peter's Church


Welcome to the website of St Peter’s Church, Stoke Fleming in the beautiful county of Devon.


It is a delight to greet you and we all hope to meet you in person when you visit our historic church.

There are many significant features (details here) but it would be fair to say a special favourite is Violet Pinwell’s carved pulpit. 

As a very young woman in Victorian England, Violet was commissioned to include as many creatures as possible. Come and count for yourselves ! 


Thanks to the hard work and generosity of many people and the enthusiasm and fund raising by the Friends of St Peter’s (FOSP), our church is in a positive condition with recently renovated stained glass windows, bells and clock tower. 


St Peter’s is at the centre of our village and community and involved in many of this busy village’s activities.


Enjoy our website and follow the links to discover more..

Every blessing 




Church Treasurer

Secretary of PCC



01803 906861 

01803 770515

‭01803 770134

01803 770300

01803 475581